Couple sitting on couch, having a touch discussion in couples therapy

How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost and What Are My Payment Options?

Struggles within a relationship can be challenging to navigate. If you and your partner are experiencing tension, couples counseling can help. Couples therapy is a form of mental health treatment that focuses on understanding the dynamics of relationships and the impact each partner has on the other. However, for many people, one of their primary…

Therapist talks to client about EMDR therapy for anxiety

Does EMDR Help with Anxiety?

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing, or EMDR, is a therapeutic approach that works with the brain’s adaptive information processing center to alter the emotional response and desensitize. It effectively treats anxiety, phobias, OCD, PTSD, and a variety of other trauma or anxiety-related conditions. EMDR therapy for anxiety can be helpful for people who struggle with constant…