If you are worried about someone in your life and their connection to opioids, you may want to know how to tell if someone is on heroin. The signs of heroin use vary but there are some common signs you can look for. At Grace Counseling, our heroin addiction treatment in Fort Worth, Texas, is dedicated to helping people heal from this powerful substance. Call us at 844.564.0712 today to learn more.
What Is Heroin?
Heroin is an illegal and highly addictive drug that is synthesized from morphine, which is a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder or as a black sticky substance known as “black tar heroin.”
How Is Heroin Used?
Heroin can be injected, smoked, or snorted. Injecting is the most common method of use as it provides the quickest and most intense rush of euphoria. Smoking and snorting have a slower onset but can still produce a high.
Heroin and the Opioid Epidemic
The opioid epidemic, with heroin at its forefront, continues to ravage communities across the United States, including Fort Worth, Texas. Heroin’s use can lead to severe health complications, addiction, and even death. Understanding the signs of heroin use and addiction can be a critical step in helping someone seek the necessary treatment.
Heroin can take over a person’s life, leading to mental health issues, financial problems, strained relationships, and job loss. Often people who use heroin may try to hide their addiction from loved ones. It’s essential to know the signs of heroin use so that you can recognize if someone close to you is struggling.
Recognizing the Signs of Heroin Use
Heroin use often results in noticeable physical and behavioral changes. Here are some signs to look out for:
- Physical changes – Constricted pupils, sudden weight loss, frequent itching, and unexplained fatigue can all be signs of heroin use. Needle marks or scars on the arms, legs, or feet are also common signs of intravenous heroin use.
- Behavioral changes – Heroin use can cause mood swings, irritability, and sudden changes in energy levels. People who use heroin may also become increasingly secretive and start to withdraw from their usual activities and social circles. They may also exhibit poor decision-making, impulsivity, and risk-taking behavior.
- Physical symptoms – Some physical symptoms of heroin use include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, slowed breathing, and slurred speech. In severe cases, the person may experience coma or even death due to respiratory failure.
- Paraphernalia – Finding drug paraphernalia such as burnt spoons, syringes, or small plastic bags can also indicate heroin use.
Each person’s addiction journey is unique, and not everyone will exhibit all of these signs. However, if you notice several of these signs in someone close to you, it’s essential to address your concerns with them.
Understanding the Signs of Heroin Addiction
Chronic heroin use can quickly lead to addiction. Symptoms of heroin addiction include:
- Intense cravings
- Inability to stop or control use despite adverse consequences
- Neglect of responsibilities
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using heroin
- Continuing to use despite worsening health or social consequences
If you believe someone is struggling with heroin addiction, it’s crucial to seek help immediately.
Why Heroin Addiction Treatment is Vital
Heroin addiction is a serious condition that requires professional intervention. Neglecting to do so can have severe consequences, including overdose and death.
At Grace Counseling, we offer comprehensive outpatient mental health and substance use treatment programs tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient.
Our expert team treats a broad range of mental wellness and addiction issues, including heroin addiction. We take pride in customizing our treatment plans, which include partial hospitalization, detox, and intensive outpatient programs (IOP). We also offer various forms of therapy such as individual, group, couples, family, and play therapy.
Call Grace Counseling Today to Start Healing
If you or a loved one is exhibiting signs of heroin addiction symptoms, it’s important to seek help. At Grace Counseling, we provide compassionate care and effective treatment strategies to assist individuals on their journey toward recovery. Reach out online or call 844.564.0712 today. Everyone deserves a chance at a healthy, fulfilling life.